Seas the Day

Seas the Day

Howdy folks & fur friends,

Hope this little piece of entertainment finds you well today. There has been so much change going on in my life just now – schools are back in full swing and little hooman isn’t here to play with me between zoom lessons. I am still not able to visit with my therapy dog group – but am hopeful this will change in the future and I will get back to my day job. I do miss working as a therapy dog and seeing my fur fiends on my team .

Its been super hot and my walks have been very early and later in the evenings for this Black Labrador, except for the days me and the older folks have escaped to the beach…….. now this has been bliss.

The day starts early and there’s a lot of hustle and bustle , breakfast bowls clattering in the sink and coffee mugs abandoned on the counter top. The front door shuts and the house falls into complete silence. I hear the car engine start up and then fade as it rolls out on the morning school run. I nap zzzzzzzzzzzz!! Then I hear it drawing closer the rumbling of the engine has returned.

Today is one of those magical days when mom doesn’t gather up my leash and grab a poo bag from the top drawer. Instead I see her gather up some towels , my hydration bottle and some snacks……. she heads back out to the car and I hear the invitation of the back of the vehicle opening. I waste no time , after a quick pee on the lawn I jump up and into the space I call mine ….. this can only mean one kinda trip ….. beach day!!!!(yahhhhhhhoooooooo).

I love a surprise day at the beach …. the time to roam free and chase a prize stick. The beach is full of hidden treasures washed up by the ever moving tide. We all spend time combing the shore line for something we like the look of. Over the last 18 months we have been constrained by the zoom calls and online learning but today we took the opportunity to make some memories . Sometimes you just have to go get it and make the most of the time you have got. I had so much fun today and I’m thankful for all the moments and memories we made.

Seas the day friends !!!

So with a seaside theme in todays blog here’s my quote to help you finish up your busy week on a positive vibe and enjoy the long weekend ahead making memories !

May the shells on the beach remind you that treasures arrive every day in the form of simple things…..

Living the Simple.Easy.Life y’all

Taam Life
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Taam Life