Happy Fall Y’all

Well howdy folks one and all,

Hip hip hooray we made it to FALL!!

This has got to be a real favorite time of year for me, there is the cooler weather in Texas to be thankful for and so much more. This week we celebrated the first day of Fall and all the decorations and smells are everywhere. Amazingly the first morning was a cool 50 degrees and Mom and I put our sweaters on (of course by 11am they were off again as temperatures were back up in the 80s). The morning walks are so much cooler and the leaves are changing colors and falling fast. The dew is so thick on the grass I could nearly drink it .

Its the first day of Autumn (Fall)! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and best of all, leaping into leaves!

A.A.Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

This Winnie the Pooh really has Fall all worked out.

The clocks will turn back an hour at the weekend and that means my two square meals a day will be an hour out of sync and my internal body clock just won’t understand what’s going on !!! But with all things in life with time we move forward and accept the changes be it seasons or clocks and everything else in-between . We are amazing and we are adaptable. So much to embrace and be thankful for and that’s what Fall means to me and my folks.

So whatever this changing season means to you – make the most of the moments it presents and if you see a pile of leaves be like Winnie the Pooh take a leap and have fun!!

Have a wonderful weekend ahead and you must believe that all THINGS WILL FALL INTO PLACE …………

Living the Simple. Easy. Life

Taam Life

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Taam Life


  1. Andrew on September 24, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    Love this. Happy Fall ❤️